| | | Eligibility: Is a restaurant chain that plans to produce, process, and market all the meat and potatoes it sells in its restaurants eligible to borrow from a Farm Credit System lender? | 2/14/2000 |
| | | Stock: Does a “gift” of voting stock to trade credit borrowers satisfy the statutory requirement that borrowers acquire voting stock in an association as a condition of receiving a loan? | 2/28/2000 |
| | | Participations: May a Farm Credit System association buy participation interests and servicing rights in several loans that an agricultural producer made to local farmers through purchase money mortgages? | 3/9/2000 |
| | | Territorial Concurrence: Must an association obtain territorial concurrence when a new borrower located outside the association’s chartered territory assumes an existing loan to a borrower inside the association's territory? | 6/7/2000 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association take residential mortgage applications on behalf of non-Farm Credit System lenders in communities with populations above 2,500? | 8/13/2000 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May a Farm Credit Bank use its excess staffing capacities to provide credit-related and marketing services to a non-Farm Credit System leasing corporation? | 2/15/2001 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Promotional Activity: May a Farm Credit System association buy $10,000 of preferred stock in a farmer-owned cooperative that processes durum into pasta? | 4/27/2001 |
| | | Disclosure of Loan Documents: May Farm Credit System associations provide only unsigned photocopies of loan documents to borrowers? | 5/16/2001 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May a Farm Credit Bank use its excess capacity to provide information technology services to a non-Farm Credit System leasing corporation? | 6/19/2001 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association take residential mortgage applications on behalf of non-Farm Credit System lenders in communities with populations above 2,500? | 9/27/2001 |
| | | Eligibility and Scope of Financing: May a partner in a business that borrows from a Farm Credit System association refinance a home in a community where the population exceeds 2,500 inhabitants? | 1/16/2002 |
| | | Effective Interest Rate Disclosure: Does the Farm Credit Act require a Farm Credit System lender to include the amount an existing borrower previously paid for stock in the effective interest rate calculation for subsequent loans to the same borrower? | 5/10/2002 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Risk Management: May a Farm Credit System association enter into a credit default swap with a special purpose vehicle established and owned by a third party in order to transfer credit risk on a portion of its long-term mortgage loan | 5/14/2002 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association engage in promotional activities for itself and another business by incorporating a hyperlink to the other business on its website and by permitting the other business to lease out its office spac | 6/12/2002 |
| | | Credit Delivery: May an association provide credit through a VISA credit card issued by a commercial bank? | 12/6/2002 |
| | | Incidental Authority: May a bank develop a credit-scoring interface and provide the product to its affiliated associations, other Farm Credit institutions, and Other Financing Institutions? | 2/26/2003 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Promotional Activity: May a bank enter into an alliance with a land management company to help its customers obtain land management services? | 2/28/2003 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association accept residential mortgage applications on behalf of non-Farm Credit System lenders in communities with populations above 2,500? | 4/14/2003 |
| | | Topic: Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association process ineligible residential mortgage applications on behalf of non-Farm Credit System secondary market lenders? | 7/31/2003 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association process ineligible residential mortgage applications on behalf of non-Farm Credit System secondary market lenders? | 8/6/2003 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May a Farm Credit System bank that provides a credit-scoring interface program to its affiliated institutions use the program’s excess capacity to provide that service to an unrelated corporate entity? | 11/5/2003 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association process crop insurance applications from independent insurance agents seeking insurance for their own clients? | 11/5/2003 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an association process ineligible residential mortgage applications on behalf of non-Farm Credit System secondary market lenders? | 4/6/2004 |
| | | Incidental Authority: Does a Farm Credit System bank or association have authority to serve as the principal agent in syndications to similar entities? | 12/13/2006 |
| | | Incidental Authority: May an association provide third party loan administration services consisting of lock box, payment/disbursement and billing statement processing, and routine loan and accounting services? | 8/9/2006 |
| | | Mortgage Lending: Does a mortgage loan secured by a first lien on rural real estate that an eligible borrower leases meet the requirements of section 1.10(a)(2) of the Farm Credit Act of 1971? | 6/12/2007 |
| | | Incidental Authority: Does a Farm Credit System bank or association have authority to provide printing services to non-System entities? | 9/20/2007 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May an agricultural credit association process rural home loan application packages for a non-Farm Credit System lender? | 3/27/1998 |
| | | Capital Regulations: What is the effect on the calculation of an association’s core and total surplus if it revolves a portion of its allocated equities within the next year? | 6/17/1998 |
| | | Eligibility: May a Farm Credit System association finance a processing and marketing operation owned by foreign nationals? | 6/22/1998 |
| | | Corporate Authority: Does a Farm Credit System bank have the authority to acquire an interest in an LLC because it is necessary to the operation of the bank’s business? | 7/27/1998 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May a Farm Credit System association provide lease accounting services to other lenders? | 11/5/1998 |
| | | Borrower Rights: Must a Farm Credit System association provide loan restructuring rights to, and delay further action against, a financially troubled borrower with an unsecured loan? | 11/18/1998 |
| | | Investment in Farmers’ Notes: May a production credit association discount notes that an almond processor makes to local almond growers? | 11/25/1998 |
| | | Related Services: May Farm Credit System associations offer related services to eligible farm-related businesses, non-farm rural homeowners, and former farmers? | 12/16/1998 |
| | | Leasing Real Property: May a Farm Credit System association lease excess office space to an unrelated entity engaged in providing risk management and insurance services to the general public? | 12/29/1998 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May a farm credit bank process loan applications, engage in loan underwriting, and prepare loan documentation for unaffiliated Farm Credit System (FCS) institutions and non-FCS financial institutions? | 1/6/1999 |
| | | Use of Property/Eligibility: May an agricultural credit association make a loan to an ineligible commercial real estate developer for construction of a small office building to be leased back to the association? | 1/7/1999 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: May a Federal land credit association enter into an alliance with a wholesale mortgage bank to process loan application packages for rural home loans funded and serviced by the non-Farm Credit System lender? | 1/13/1999 |
| | | Participations: Are Farm Credit System banks authorized to purchase 99% participation interests in loans originated by commercial banks and guarantee the remaining one-percent? | 2/14/1999 |
| | | Voting Rights: Can a limited liability company owned by several cooperatives vote its participation certificates in a bank for cooperatives’ vote on approval of a proposed merger? | 3/2/1999 |
| | | Territorial Concurrence/Farmers’ Notes: May a Farm Credit System association provide funding for a borrower’s finance company subsidiary by discounting its customers’ notes without obtaining territorial concurrence? | 3/5/1999 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Excess Capacity: Does an agricultural credit association have the authority to enter into alliances with non-Farm Credit System lenders to process and service loans? | 4/14/1999 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Promotional Activity: May a Farm Credit System association provide $10,000 to a group of dairy farmers and producers forming a limited liability company to recycle dairy waste? | 4/29/1999 |
| | | Participations: Is a Federal land credit association authorized to buy servicing rights and a participation interest in a pool of long-term agricultural loans from a non-Farm Credit System lender? | 7/30/1999 |
| | | Incidental Authority/Corporate Authority to Provide for Employees: May a Farm Credit System bank acquire ineligible residential properties from bank employees when they relocate? | 8/18/1999 |
| | | Eligibility: May a Farm Credit System association finance a business that offers various farm-related services, including custom blending and spreading of fertilizer, custom seed harvesting, and soil testing and analysis? | 9/10/1999 |
| | | Eligibility: Is a trucking firm that hauls farmer-owned and elevator-owned grain under a contract with a grain elevator a “farm-related business” eligible to receive financing from a Farm Credit System association? | 10/12/1999 |
| | | Related Services: May a Farm Credit System association contract with a buying service that enables its farmer members to buy material farm inputs such as fuel, fertilizer, and herbicide at a discount? | 12/23/1999 |